Your message on the move, everywhere
NEO Mobile targets who you want, where you want, when you want!
NEO Mobile allows you to reach targeted consumers on their mobile phone, tablet or computer based on their socio-demographic profile, their fields of interest, their location and the places they visit or have visited .

GeoMarketing Services
Create customed zones
Target your audience anywhere with an accuracy of up to 3 meters.

Real-time mobile detection
Catch your audience as they are in your target location
Target your customers based on the places they've visited
Possibility of retroactivity for up to 4 years

Reach your target audience on the websites or applications they visit
Your campaign is displayed on the most popular applications such as weather, GPS maps and news
Target your competitors' customers
Ability to reach consumers who have visited your shops or those of your competitors

Re-target consumers who have been exposed to your advertising campaign
Stay in touch with this audience to expand the impact and performance of your marketing strategy